Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frankenstein Trick or Treat Bag

A simple and fun idea for a trick or treat bag. We made them at a friends house when they invited us over for a play date last week and our girls loved it {thanks Jeni!}

You will need:
a paper bag
black, green and pink or red construction paper
googly eyes

Measure the length of your bag and cut a large green square of green paper. Glue on bag to use as your monster's face.

Then cut a strip of black construction paper for Frankenstein's hair. Make one edge zig-zag. Glue on top of green paper at the opening of the bag.

Cut out a nose and a smile and let your child glue them on.

Then just add googly eyes.

Fill with treats as you go door to door on Halloween night ;)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nature Walk & Collage

This is a very fun activity for this time of year!

Wrap a piece of packing tape around your child's wrist, sticky side out. Go for a walk outside and let your child pick up any leaves, twigs, etc. off the ground and stick it to the tape.

Once enough nature has been collected, remove the tape and put it onto a piece of paper. You now how have fall collage!