Tuesday, May 18, 2010


small container - I used a baby food jar
something to make the outside of the volcano. I used play dough, but you could make one out of paper mache, or make a dough from flour, water,and oil.
baking soda
dish soap
food coloring

Make the volcano by building the dough around the container. Pour in some vinegar, a squirt of dish soap, and the food coloring. Take this outside or put it on a cookie sheet so it doesn't make a huge mess. Let your child pour the baking soda in and see the chemical reaction. Kids love this!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Egg Carton Butterfly

Materials Needed:

1 Dozen Egg Carton
Paints (tempura or finger paints will work best)
Large Paint Brush
Different Colored Construction Paper
Pipe Cleaners (optional)


Let your child choose what color he/she wants the body of the butterfly to be. Then pour out the paint into a shallow bowl. Add water to make it a bit runny. Turn the egg carton over and have your little one paint the egg carton with a large paint brush (we used a sponge brush - it was perfect). Let egg carton dry.

While egg carton dries fashion wings out of construction paper. Be creative - make them any way you like! Using Elmer's glue carefully attach the wings to the body - it will need quite a bit of time to dry.

Lastly - cut a pipe cleaner in half and attach the two halves to the front of the egg carton to create feelers. We didn't have any pipe cleaner on hand so we made feelers out of construction paper and glued them on with a dab of hot glue.

That's it! So fun.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Homemade Bath Paints

So I'm too cheap to go buy bath paints from the store that will last for about 3 times and then they're gone. So I decided to google it and I found this idea here.

Materials needed:

--1 Can of Shaving Cream(I got the cheapest kind at Walmart for around $1.50)

--Bowls & spoons

--Food coloring

Express some shaving cream into bowls. I used plastic containers so they weren't breakable.

Put in a few drops of food coloring and mix. The more food coloring the darker the colors. I had to use at least 6 drops for each color.

Put your child in the bath tub and let him/her go to town creating beautiful paintings!!

My son LOVED this!! And no matter how closely I was watching him he was able to sneak a "bite" of the shaving cream. SICK!!