Next time you are checking out at the
grocery store say paper instead of plastic!So I KNOW Halloween is over but it is still fun to dress up any time of the year!
We talked about the first Thanksgiving today and made some Native American costumes out of brown paper grocery sacks. I cut a hole at the top for the neck and two arm holes on the side to create a "tunic" for my son to decorate with crayons. I am sure you could get more elaborate with painting it and gluing embellishments on it but we went for simple today. I then used another paper sack to make a head band. I drew feathers on colored construction paper and had my son practice fine motor skills by cutting the feathers out. We taped them to the head band and then taped it around his head. This could easily be done as a pilgrim costume instead.
I am sure you could use this paper sack costume for a multitude of different costumes so get creative and comment on our activity corner blog when this activity gets posted on there in two weeks. We would love to see what you have come up with!