Friday, April 16, 2010

Pinecone Bird Feeders

Materials needed:

Pine cones(or any kind that you can find)
Bird seed
Peanut butter
2 Bowls
Rubber spatula
Newspaper(or any paper)

Look around your yard(or in my case, my neighborhood) and pick up some pine cones of any sort.

Take the pine cones home and cut long pieces of yarn to tie around the top of the pine cone.

Then scoop some peanut butter into a bowl and put it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds, or just until soft enough to be spreadable. Then spread it onto the pine cones.

Pour some bird seed into a separate bowl and dip the pine cone into the bird seed. Then place them on newspaper until you're all finished. Then go find a tree to hang them in and watch the little birdies eat the delicious food you have made for them!! :)