Here is an activity for each day of "color week". With each activity, emphasize the color you are practicing. Point out anything you see in the color. Write the word down so your child can see it in print. It would also be fun to wear clothes of that same color during the day.These activities were designed for a 2-yr-old. Adapt as needed if your child is older or younger!
DAY 1: GreenSince we are still close to summer, most things outside are green. Walk around and collect anything green your child can find. Glue them onto green construction paper to make a collage.
DAY 2: RedLunch! Choose 2-3 foods that are red and serve them together. For example, we had spaghetti with marinara sauce, raspberries and roasted red peppers.
DAY 3: YellowChoose as many different art mediums as you can find in yellow--crayon, marker, colored pencil, paint, chalk...then let your child go wild with them all!
DAY 4: BluePictures can be a very fun thing now in the days of digital cameras. Walk around your house (or neighborhood) and take pictures of anything blue your child sees. If you have a cheap camera, you may consider letting your child take the pictures themselves--they'll love it! Pull them up on the computer to practice the color again later.
DAY 5: Purple or OrangeGo through your child's toys and find all the toys of one color you choose (choose a color that will give you a good selection of toys). Take them into an area that usually isn't used for playing, such as the dining room or mom and dad's bedroom. Then just sit down and play together!