Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Find That Number!


11 small slips of paper with numbers 0-10 written on them
3 plastic or paper cups
10 beads, marbles, raisins, buttons (really, anything)

How to play:
Have your child cover his/her eyes. Place one of the pieces of paper under one of the three cups (make sure the papers are small enough so that the cup can cover them). Then have your child guess which cup has the paper. When they find the paper have them identify what the number is. Then have your child count out the same number of beads as the number on the paper. Repeat until all numbers have been hidden, identified, and counted.

Cut out shapes on the slips of papers and then have your child identify the shape and name how many sides/corners it has.

Color on the sheets of paper and have your child identify the color and then find 3 objects in the house that are the same color.

Write letters on the papers and have your child identify the letter, give it's sound, and think of a word that starts with that letter.

Write words on the papers and have your child read the words.

Really - you can use this game for any learning activity!