Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spoon People


Wooden spoons
Google eyes
Glitter glue
Hot glue gun


Have your little one lay out the parts of the spoon person's face on the spoon how he/she wants. Let the child choose the color of button nose and other things. When the pieces are in place, YOU glue them on with hot glue. Wind up a bit of yarn and tie it together for hair and glue it on as well. Then, take some glitter glue and draw a mouth. When the glitter glue dries you are all done! Have a puppet show or just play with them.

*Tips - this activity was super cheap. I bought a set of spoons at Wal-Mart that only cost me $1, then I got some google eyes (again $1) and some buttons ($1) I already had yarn (hence they all have white hair, but I have so much white yarn I didn't want to buy different colors) and glitter glue. You can also use what you have - instead of buttons use puff balls if you have them.

You can also leave the mouth off if you don't have glitter glue - it looks cute either way.